Monday, November 29, 2010

Aging Populations | Something to Watch

For my Fundamental class, on our section on caring for the aging adult, we were required to watch a video produced by PBS titled "Living Old".  It's 60 minutes long. I totally recommend it. It's not an easy watch by any means. Definitely sobering and thought-provoking. Statistics say that by 2030 (20 years away), over 20% of our population will be over 65 years of age.  I think this PBS special definitely discusses some of the relevant issues surrounding this topic. It's NOT a nursing was written for the general public, but there are healthcare providers, family members and members of this aging population that were interviewed.

I'm 36 years old. My parents are in their early to mid 70's... I certainly have wondered/thought about what the next 10-15-20-25 years will look like. What is it going to look like for my parents as they age and their bodies become less efficient and less robust. My parents became vegans over 10 years ago and they certainly believe this is going to help them stay strong, healthy and help prevent chronic disease or cancers from stealing their years.  Thank God, they are strong and healthy now (they brag they are not on any prescription medications), but that doesn't protect them from the unexpected (car accident, serious fall/fractured hip, back injury...) which could potentially impact their ability to manage their ADL's (activities of daily living) and remain independent. They certainly expect they will remain independent a long time. I just pray that is the case...

Interesting statement was made in this PBS program, the gist was that if you have three or more daughters and/or daughters-in-law ---chances are that you may be able to avoid going to live in a nursing home. My parents did well to have four girls. I've always said that having children seems like a pretty good retirement plan. ;-)   At this rate, I'm WAY behind...but not much I can do about it in my single state. I suppose someone better mention to my four nieces and nephews that they may be called upon to care for their elderly parents AND their elderly aunts. I'm sure they'll be excited to hear this--seeing as none of them are in highschool yet.

Well, I really just wanted to post the link to this PBS/Frontline special.  Nothing much else to post...I'm just busy studying right now for my final two tests which I have at the end of this week. Next week I'll be studying for my final exam which is next week...nearing the finish line! woot!

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