Cool and rainy today, but I still managed to get up and go to the gym despite my desire to just linger in the coziness of my bed. Ran some errands, came home, had lunch, and then crawled back into bed! Planned to only spend about 30 minutes, but I think it was about 7pm when I finally got up! Eeek!!! Guess I needed a nap, huh?
Good news is that I got the house cleaned this evening! With finals next week, and Q&A events for the new students and graduation the following week, I knew there wouldn't be much time or motivation to clean... why not use procrastination (studying for finals) to accomplish something good! Or at least something I might later procrastinate from doing! The office still needs some help as I've got clinical paperwork strewn all over the floor, but that will be easier to clean up when finals are over and I can file everything away.
The down side to sleeping all afternoon is that I'm probably going to have some trouble falling asleep tonight. Hello, Ambien! Good thing church doesn't start until 11:15! :D
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
NCLEX Strategy : Kaplan dates set
I got an email today from the Kaplan rep (for our school) and they are offering an on-campus version of the Live Review course. They are offering it the week after graduation, but it overlaps with my trip to Ohio. I didn't want to do the in-classroom review anyways, so I've sent them my preferred online course dates. So it looks like I will be busy the week after Memorial Day (Tues-Fri) spending every afternoon (12-7pm) online with Kaplan.
So it really looks like I will have about a week between Ohio and the Kaplan Course to sit down and make a study plan for the NCLEX and to get anything else out of the way (house cleaned, oil changed, seeds planted) because it looks like I will be entering NCLEX world as soon as I complete the Kaplan course. Still wondering if I want to push for an early July NCLEX date- which will give me about 3-4 weeks of self-study. Well, I've got a few weeks here to think about it. I can't sign up for NCLEX date until the VA Board of Nursing processes my paperwork--which is basically waiting on my school to send official transcripts/degree information.
Oh, I got my LaCharity PDA book in the mail from Amazon today and what a huge relief to discover that it's only 155 pages! That's compared to the Saunders Book which is 1200 pages!!! I also got the Saunders Q&A cards in the mail... the margins aren't ideal for hole punching, but I'm going to try!
Okay, back to studying for OB test.
So it really looks like I will have about a week between Ohio and the Kaplan Course to sit down and make a study plan for the NCLEX and to get anything else out of the way (house cleaned, oil changed, seeds planted) because it looks like I will be entering NCLEX world as soon as I complete the Kaplan course. Still wondering if I want to push for an early July NCLEX date- which will give me about 3-4 weeks of self-study. Well, I've got a few weeks here to think about it. I can't sign up for NCLEX date until the VA Board of Nursing processes my paperwork--which is basically waiting on my school to send official transcripts/degree information.
Oh, I got my LaCharity PDA book in the mail from Amazon today and what a huge relief to discover that it's only 155 pages! That's compared to the Saunders Book which is 1200 pages!!! I also got the Saunders Q&A cards in the mail... the margins aren't ideal for hole punching, but I'm going to try!
Okay, back to studying for OB test.
NCLEX Strategy: Just the beginning
* WARNING * This is a LOOOOONG post. I will be amazed if any of my non-nursing friends actually make it through the entire post. If you aren't in nursing school, this will probably be lost on you. And if you aren't a S-T-J or aren't devoted to the theories of Myers-Briggs personality typing, you may think me insane. I am not. I am simply an X-STJ who is "...extremely talented at devising systems and plans for action, and at being able to see what steps need to be taken to complete a specific task." Yep, that's me in a bullet point. However, here's my horrible, deep, dark secret: I can devise plans and see what steps need to be taken, BUT I am also the worst offender of procrastination! The worst. But here marks the beginning of my strategy for studying for NCLEX! (Feel free to stop reading here).
I've been doing some research regarding NCLEX prep and various strategies. Most of my research has been done via reading discussions/postings on (a GREAT discussion site for nursing information in general). You can spend ALL day reading about what people have found helpful and not helpful (and sometimes there's little consensus --as what works for one person, doesn't work for another). It really comes down to knowing yourself, what you need and how you best study, but this site does provide helpful information/tips from those who have taken NCLEX and passed and those who have taken NCLEX and failed.
Saunders Comprehensive Review (4th/5th ed): During school I used the 4th edition and found it VERY helpful during school as I studied for tests. The content review is EXCELLENT and it has good NCLEX questions (along with CD allowing for focused review in the computer format (like the NCLEX). Every Q&A comes with rationales/strategy for how to figure out answer. I haven't purchased the newest edition yet because it's another $50 and I still don't have a definitive answer as to whether the NCLEX questions are any different from 4th edition to the 5th edition. However, I've read online that there is additional content in the 5th edition. I may still buy this. But this book gets RAVE reviews on for content and NCLEX questions (that's why I bought 4th edition for use during nursing school).
The CD also has an assessment test that will help determine weak areas and will create a recommended study plan based on how much time you've got to study before the NCLEX! Helpful.
Post-NCLEX thoughts: I did not end up buying the updated edition. I really didn't even use Saunders after graduating. I still wholeheartedly recommend it for nursing school. I simply did not have enough time to use Saunders in addition to Kaplan. Also Kaplan suggested not doing more than 150 questions a day so that proper attention could be given to reviewing the Kaplan questions rationales. Kaplan provided plenty of tests and questions...that I did not need more!
LaCharity's Prioritization, Delegation and Assignment (2nd ed): This too has been recommended on AllNurses. Prioritization and delegation questions can be challenging. I will certainly benefit from doing practice questions focused on PDA.
Kaplan : Background: My program initially required my cohort to purchase ATI, but there were some problems with ATI's contract/agreement. So they cancelled ATI and contracted with Kaplan for this year. The first year students were required to purchase Kaplan, but the second years (my class) were not - because we'd already paid for ATI (but lost access when we cancelled). But because my school is contracted with Kaplan, I knew I could get a better deal which would INCLUDE a review course through Kaplan. So rather than paying $499 through Kaplan's website, I paid around $375 when purchased through my school. When I signed up for Kaplan through my school, they gave me a copy of "The Basics" book which is basically just content in outline/bullet format. No NCLEX questions-- just content.
My purchase of Kaplan through my school allows me to sign up for one of their review courses. They have three basic formats for their review course. The course, whatever the format, is focused on teaching Kaplan's approach to answering NCLEX questions using their "Decision Tree." During the course, their method is applied to various subjects (straight from Kaplan's website: Pharmacology/Reduction of Risk, Reduction of Risk/Physiological Adaptation, Physiological Adaptation/Basic Care & Comfort/Mgmt of Care, Management of Care/Safety and Infection Control, Safety and Infection Control/HMP/Psychosocial). There's no content or systems review done during this course, at least from what I've read from others who have taken the course. It's been rumored (but I'm NOT for sure) that there are some body system/content videos available if you sign up for one of the 3 review courses. If you buy one of the Kaplan review courses, you also get access to their question bank, online practice tests and diagnostic/readiness tests. If you want more info, go to Kaplan's website and also visit and search Kaplan for a variety of reviews and perspectives.
Here are the three formats for the Kaplan Review Course. (OMG. Are you still reading?)
"Classroom Review" - this format takes place in a live/classroom setting. We no longer have a Kaplan location in my community, so I would have to travel to Richmond or DC to do this. It's 21 hours of teaching over the course of 1 week or weekend, or two weeks or two weekends. It allows you to plug in your zip code. But in order to find something further away, I have to plug in zip codes in those areas to have them come up. I have read plenty of negatives about the live classroom sessions--so I do not plan to do this (I initially thought I would because I knew one of the instructors--but since they closed our center, she's not teaching it anymore). Direct from Kaplan, this runs $499. Post-NCLEX thoughts: I had two friends who did this live course in Richmond the week after I did my online course. They were disappointed. The teacher ran through questions and answers and did not allow adequate time for the students to actually READ the questions for themselves and to formulate an answer. She basically read the question and then told them which was the right answer and why...did not really give them time to practice what they'd learned. They got out of class early EVERY DAY because the teacher rushed through the material. While I'm sure many of the live instructors do much better than this lady, there's no telling what teacher you'll get (perhaps just avoid the Richmond classes?)
"Classroom Anywhere" - this is live setting also, but it's done from convenience of your bedroom, office, library, or wherever you've got internet access. Because these are still live teaching sessions, you have to clear your schedule to attend the online classes. Schedule is similar to the live settings. You can choose to get the 21 hours of instruction during early, mid-day or evening over the course of 4 or 8 days--depending on the schedule they offer. Because this course runs similarly to a classroom setting, there is a chat feature and there are TA's that can help answer specific questions, so as to not interrupt the entire online class. Direct from Kaplan, this runs $499. This is the likely format for me. Now I just have to pick the dates/schedule that I prefer. Right now I'm looking at late May or early June. Post-NCLEX thoughts: Chose this one. Highly recommend! My instructors were great! They gave us tons of helpful hints (even in written form for us to copy-paste off the classroom site!) Each day during Kaplan, I wrote down my thoughts. You can search Kaplan using the search box above to find all my Kaplan-related posts, or you can simply go look for my archived posts from May 29-June 1.
"On Demand" - these are prerecorded "classes" - and you chose WHEN you want to watch them. There's less accountability to getting them done and it would be easy to procrastinate and possibly never get around to doing them. I'm not sure if this format has the content videos or not, as it's not entirely clear from the people discussing it online. Because I have a real issue with procrastination, this format is not ideal for me. I think I need the accountability of the live schedule. Direct from Kaplan, this runs $418.
There are TONS of other resources available online for NCLEX prep. Someone on has even posted a helpful (yet disorganized) NCLEX Study Guide with tons of mneumonics and tricks to help with remembering, along with things to remember to study (lab values, meds etc...). I also like the ABCDZ Strategy that someone posted (follow link and scroll down to it).
So... these are the resources that I plan to use. I will definitely need to develop a strategy and schedule of how, when, and in what order or combination I will use these resources. I may start with the Kaplan review course and based on how that goes, develop a study plan/schedule. Some folks online suggest 100, 200, 300 NCLEX questions per day. I think I could manage a 100-150/day. Not sure I could manage 300 per day. I've heard that with Kaplan, they provide a suggested study schedule/plan based on how far out your are from taking the NCLEX. Six week plan, four week plan, two week plan. I've also heard, statistically speaking, that taking the NCLEX more than 45 days after graduation leads to far higher failure rates. Of course I don't have a source for that...but it seems reasonable enough.
Here is a sample plan of study posted on the Kansas Organization of Nurse Leader's website. There's also an interesting list of questions recommended be posed to students who failed and are retaking the NCLEX (it sounds like they are recommending 3,000 NCLEX questions before taking NCLEX--Good to know!). They've got a handful of other good resources here--even article about foods that can help with memory/learning! When you get to the website, follow KNEP Commission link on left sidebar > Graduate Nurse Toolkit > Graduate Nurse Index... you might find some helpful articles/resources... Check it out.
I've heard from nursing faculty and possibly somewhere else, that there's a correlation between GPA and pass/fail of NCLEX. I've done a search of academic nursing journals online and can't find anything recent or specific. But my nursing school GPA is around 3.75. And if you take into account A&P, Developmental Psychology and Microbiology (all required prereqs taken a year within starting school), I have a 3.8 GPA. I have consistently tested well in nursing school. I've never missed a question because I didn't understand the question, it was 99% me not knowing the content to be able to answer the question (lab values). So because of that, I'm not too worried about NCLEX style questions. Rather I'm more concerned about my retention of information related to diseases and pathophysiology. It feels like every semester I pack my head full of information only for it to leak out the next semester. Ack! My nursing school has just recently changed their minimum requirements for passing nursing courses. For us, it used to be that you had to earn at least a 75% or higher to pass a class (and stay in program) but now it's 80%! And I think they've also changed the grading scale as to what is considered an A, B, etc... So things just got tougher!
So after graduation, I will work on my NCLEX prep strategy. What's my goal date for NCLEX exam? When is Kaplan available and when do I take it? How many weeks do I have to study? How many days a week will I study? How many hours a day? How many NCLEX questions/day? WHERE will I study (home? campus? library? coffee shop? Study Center?) and what time of day will work best for me? Study partner/ no study partner? What about an accountability partner? Who would that be? How would that work?
Overwelmed? Not at the moment, but without a plan I am certain to be quickly overwelmed and certain to procrastinate! I have a few days between graduation and my trip to Ohio that I can sit down and really sketch out a preliminary plan. I think I just saw May and June slip away :( Boo hoo hoo!
And if you are a lurker here who is in nursing school or graduating and thinking about the NCLEX, I hope you've found some helpful resources or links. Leave a comment and let me know!
Update 20 July 2012 | So what actually happened?
Graduated May 11 | Kaplan Course May 29-June 1 | NCLEX on June 29 and PASSED at 75 questions! If you scroll to the bottom of this post, you can click on the NCLEX label and it should pull up all other NCLEX-related posts.
(I don't drink coffee, but there are times when I wish I liked it.)
I don't have a strategy or plan yet for studying and I'm not actually going to sit down and really think strategy until I'm DONE with my actual classes and have graduated. But I thought I'd list out the resources that I expect that I'll be using to study/prep for NCLEX.

The CD also has an assessment test that will help determine weak areas and will create a recommended study plan based on how much time you've got to study before the NCLEX! Helpful.
Post-NCLEX thoughts: I did not end up buying the updated edition. I really didn't even use Saunders after graduating. I still wholeheartedly recommend it for nursing school. I simply did not have enough time to use Saunders in addition to Kaplan. Also Kaplan suggested not doing more than 150 questions a day so that proper attention could be given to reviewing the Kaplan questions rationales. Kaplan provided plenty of tests and questions...that I did not need more!

Post-NCLEX thoughts: I did the first few chapters, but the Kaplan course really gave me the knowledge I needed to be able to answer the prioritization, delegation and assignment questions. Nursing school did not prepare us at all for these type questions. And Kaplan really helped. If you cannot take Kaplan, this is still an excellent resource.
Saunders Q &A Review Cards (1st ed) and Mosby's Review Cards (2nd ed): I've ordered these and I'm hoping that the Saunder's pack has different questions than what's in the 4th/5th editions of the Comprehensive Review books. These are not really flash cards because the paper is on the thin side (or so I've read). I plan to bundle these based on topic/content, hole punch them, put them on rings and then take them with me to the gym. I'm a little concerned about how they'll hold up as they'll probably hang out in my gym bag, but I might have to get creative in how I store them -- otherwise the thin cards will quickly become dog-eared and a bent up mess.
Post-NCLEX thoughts: I took full advantage of these cards! I did hole-punch them and put them on rings and it worked out GREAT! They held up fine, as cards did not sit around long in my purse or bag...I pretty much whipped through them quickly and returned the completed questions back to the box. I highly recommend either of these sets. I primarily used these between graduation and when I took the Kaplan course. I did manage to continue to use them after my Kaplan course, but pretty much only when I was at the gym.
Post-NCLEX thoughts: I took full advantage of these cards! I did hole-punch them and put them on rings and it worked out GREAT! They held up fine, as cards did not sit around long in my purse or bag...I pretty much whipped through them quickly and returned the completed questions back to the box. I highly recommend either of these sets. I primarily used these between graduation and when I took the Kaplan course. I did manage to continue to use them after my Kaplan course, but pretty much only when I was at the gym.
My purchase of Kaplan through my school allows me to sign up for one of their review courses. They have three basic formats for their review course. The course, whatever the format, is focused on teaching Kaplan's approach to answering NCLEX questions using their "Decision Tree." During the course, their method is applied to various subjects (straight from Kaplan's website: Pharmacology/Reduction of Risk, Reduction of Risk/Physiological Adaptation, Physiological Adaptation/Basic Care & Comfort/Mgmt of Care, Management of Care/Safety and Infection Control, Safety and Infection Control/HMP/Psychosocial). There's no content or systems review done during this course, at least from what I've read from others who have taken the course. It's been rumored (but I'm NOT for sure) that there are some body system/content videos available if you sign up for one of the 3 review courses. If you buy one of the Kaplan review courses, you also get access to their question bank, online practice tests and diagnostic/readiness tests. If you want more info, go to Kaplan's website and also visit and search Kaplan for a variety of reviews and perspectives.
Here are the three formats for the Kaplan Review Course. (OMG. Are you still reading?)

"Classroom Anywhere" - this is live setting also, but it's done from convenience of your bedroom, office, library, or wherever you've got internet access. Because these are still live teaching sessions, you have to clear your schedule to attend the online classes. Schedule is similar to the live settings. You can choose to get the 21 hours of instruction during early, mid-day or evening over the course of 4 or 8 days--depending on the schedule they offer. Because this course runs similarly to a classroom setting, there is a chat feature and there are TA's that can help answer specific questions, so as to not interrupt the entire online class. Direct from Kaplan, this runs $499. This is the likely format for me. Now I just have to pick the dates/schedule that I prefer. Right now I'm looking at late May or early June. Post-NCLEX thoughts: Chose this one. Highly recommend! My instructors were great! They gave us tons of helpful hints (even in written form for us to copy-paste off the classroom site!) Each day during Kaplan, I wrote down my thoughts. You can search Kaplan using the search box above to find all my Kaplan-related posts, or you can simply go look for my archived posts from May 29-June 1.
"On Demand" - these are prerecorded "classes" - and you chose WHEN you want to watch them. There's less accountability to getting them done and it would be easy to procrastinate and possibly never get around to doing them. I'm not sure if this format has the content videos or not, as it's not entirely clear from the people discussing it online. Because I have a real issue with procrastination, this format is not ideal for me. I think I need the accountability of the live schedule. Direct from Kaplan, this runs $418.
There are TONS of other resources available online for NCLEX prep. Someone on has even posted a helpful (yet disorganized) NCLEX Study Guide with tons of mneumonics and tricks to help with remembering, along with things to remember to study (lab values, meds etc...). I also like the ABCDZ Strategy that someone posted (follow link and scroll down to it).
So... these are the resources that I plan to use. I will definitely need to develop a strategy and schedule of how, when, and in what order or combination I will use these resources. I may start with the Kaplan review course and based on how that goes, develop a study plan/schedule. Some folks online suggest 100, 200, 300 NCLEX questions per day. I think I could manage a 100-150/day. Not sure I could manage 300 per day. I've heard that with Kaplan, they provide a suggested study schedule/plan based on how far out your are from taking the NCLEX. Six week plan, four week plan, two week plan. I've also heard, statistically speaking, that taking the NCLEX more than 45 days after graduation leads to far higher failure rates. Of course I don't have a source for that...but it seems reasonable enough.
Here is a sample plan of study posted on the Kansas Organization of Nurse Leader's website. There's also an interesting list of questions recommended be posed to students who failed and are retaking the NCLEX (it sounds like they are recommending 3,000 NCLEX questions before taking NCLEX--Good to know!). They've got a handful of other good resources here--even article about foods that can help with memory/learning! When you get to the website, follow KNEP Commission link on left sidebar > Graduate Nurse Toolkit > Graduate Nurse Index... you might find some helpful articles/resources... Check it out.
I've heard from nursing faculty and possibly somewhere else, that there's a correlation between GPA and pass/fail of NCLEX. I've done a search of academic nursing journals online and can't find anything recent or specific. But my nursing school GPA is around 3.75. And if you take into account A&P, Developmental Psychology and Microbiology (all required prereqs taken a year within starting school), I have a 3.8 GPA. I have consistently tested well in nursing school. I've never missed a question because I didn't understand the question, it was 99% me not knowing the content to be able to answer the question (lab values). So because of that, I'm not too worried about NCLEX style questions. Rather I'm more concerned about my retention of information related to diseases and pathophysiology. It feels like every semester I pack my head full of information only for it to leak out the next semester. Ack! My nursing school has just recently changed their minimum requirements for passing nursing courses. For us, it used to be that you had to earn at least a 75% or higher to pass a class (and stay in program) but now it's 80%! And I think they've also changed the grading scale as to what is considered an A, B, etc... So things just got tougher!
So after graduation, I will work on my NCLEX prep strategy. What's my goal date for NCLEX exam? When is Kaplan available and when do I take it? How many weeks do I have to study? How many days a week will I study? How many hours a day? How many NCLEX questions/day? WHERE will I study (home? campus? library? coffee shop? Study Center?) and what time of day will work best for me? Study partner/ no study partner? What about an accountability partner? Who would that be? How would that work?
Overwelmed? Not at the moment, but without a plan I am certain to be quickly overwelmed and certain to procrastinate! I have a few days between graduation and my trip to Ohio that I can sit down and really sketch out a preliminary plan. I think I just saw May and June slip away :( Boo hoo hoo!
And if you are a lurker here who is in nursing school or graduating and thinking about the NCLEX, I hope you've found some helpful resources or links. Leave a comment and let me know!
Update 20 July 2012 | So what actually happened?
Graduated May 11 | Kaplan Course May 29-June 1 | NCLEX on June 29 and PASSED at 75 questions! If you scroll to the bottom of this post, you can click on the NCLEX label and it should pull up all other NCLEX-related posts.
(I don't drink coffee, but there are times when I wish I liked it.)
Helps and Resources,
Semester 5
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
17 days and counting...
Less than 17 days until pinning. And ten days until finals are over. It's really hard to fathom that I am THIS CLOSE after two tough years! I really want my life back. I haven't yet decided what my first act of non-student status will be. Any ideas or suggestions? Maybe I'll clean the house. Or start seeds (late again this year). A week after graduation I will be traveling up to Ohio with my parents for a long-weekend with my sister and her family.
Received a email yesterday from my Peds lecture instructor congratulating me that I made the highest grade in my class/section (there are three sections) on our last test. So cool. I think this is only semester where I've made A's on EVERY unit test. Usually I have a mix of A's and B's. I think I have to get 85-86% or higher on my final exam to get an A for my final course grade. Not too worried there. I will have to study, but there's a bit less pressure.
OB test on Friday morning. I've gotten A's on my first two unit tests, so hopefully I'll do well and be in the same situation as above.
Right now I'm in the thick of pretending to be "sick" for money. Being a standardized patient is the best job in town! Although it's not uncommon that by the end of four hours (or eight portrayals), that I end up taking on the symptoms of my character! But one of the best things about this job (for me) is that I get exposed to a VARIETY of techniques for history-taking and physical assessment. I learn something new with almost every case that I do.
Received a email yesterday from my Peds lecture instructor congratulating me that I made the highest grade in my class/section (there are three sections) on our last test. So cool. I think this is only semester where I've made A's on EVERY unit test. Usually I have a mix of A's and B's. I think I have to get 85-86% or higher on my final exam to get an A for my final course grade. Not too worried there. I will have to study, but there's a bit less pressure.
OB test on Friday morning. I've gotten A's on my first two unit tests, so hopefully I'll do well and be in the same situation as above.
Right now I'm in the thick of pretending to be "sick" for money. Being a standardized patient is the best job in town! Although it's not uncommon that by the end of four hours (or eight portrayals), that I end up taking on the symptoms of my character! But one of the best things about this job (for me) is that I get exposed to a VARIETY of techniques for history-taking and physical assessment. I learn something new with almost every case that I do.
Saturday, April 21, 2012
No Chance of Survival, Part II
My love life or lack of love life, has been blogged about here from time to time. I've tried to be vague, simply because I don't know many of my readers.
If you recall, from my post in December, I decided to make an effort to "get over" Mr. Wonderful. I was partially successful until I got an email from him about 40 days later and well, that just undid any progress I'd made.
Well, last weekend, I did work up the nerve (and boy was I nervous!) to tell him how I felt. He said he needed to think about it and we'd talk about it again. We talked today and he told me he's not interested in taking our relationship past friendship. After four years of praying and hoping that something might grow between us, I finally have my answer. Disappointed and heartbroken. But also relieved --as this is what I needed to hear so that my heart can move on.
So, there will be no more talk of Mr. Wonderful on this blog. He dealt with me kindly and for that I am grateful. I still admire and respect him and think he's totally handsome. And time will tell whether we can safely remain friends. By "safely" I mean, safe for my heart.
Goodbye, Mr. Wonderful.
And now I'm going to go sob my eyes out for the umpteenth time, and then in X-STJ fashion, I'm going to make a plan for how to move on.
Friday, April 20, 2012
In an effort to put off studying this evening, I decided I should spend my evening working on job applications. But I really dislike resume writing. Actually, I think it's more the online application process that I dislike. Online is so, er, flat, unattractive and lacking any personality. I like the clean aesthetics of an hard copy resume. You know, with fonts, bold and italics to tie it all together. Online is just ugly. It definitely pains this art degree-holder to have to use a font she did not purposefully choose. Okay, so I'm glad they aren't forcing me to use Courier. Now that might actually kill me.
Plus then there are all those questions about starting and ending dates and pay and blah, blah, blah. When I start a job, I remember the date long enough to show up on my first date and to celebrate my first anniversary on the job. And I never remember my end date. Who remembers that? I'm detail-oriented, but I'm not THAT obsessive. I know what month, generally, I started and ended a job. And honestly, I never remember what I'm paid at those jobs. Are you serious? What I was paid at those jobs is not going to matter one iota (sp?) to the nurse managers looking at my past employment history.
And WHERE do I get to put in my REAL nursing experience? Sure I wasn't paid or employed but I know I should get credit and brag about the 500+ hours of clinical experience that I've done.
So now I'm thinking I might go study for my Maternity test in order to put-off working on the online application. Pathetic, I know.
What started this, was this morning we had alumni from our nursing program come back and answer questions from our graduating class. One nurse works on the med-surg unit where I had clinical last fall (seems like forever ago). We connected a bit and talked about the environment on that unit amid other things. And then my sweet, sweet instructor (who organized the Alumni Q&A for our class and who also was my psych clinical instructor), said "You guys would be an amazing pair! You'd work great together and make a real difference on that unit" based on some of the discussions we were having. Yes, those are the kinds of words you want to hear from an instructor! And definitely in front of someone who could potentially put my application in front of her nurse manager! So... I was inspired to finally work on my job application.
So getting into the nursing program was very competitive. Surviving the nursing program was an act of my will - every day. And now graduating and LEAVING the nursing program to find a job - it shouldn't be so, er, annoying. Okay, it's FRIDAY, I'm tired and I'm just being a baby. Sure could use a personal online application coach. lol.
Hopefully there are some completed applications in my future. Well, yeh, and a JOB too! :D
Plus then there are all those questions about starting and ending dates and pay and blah, blah, blah. When I start a job, I remember the date long enough to show up on my first date and to celebrate my first anniversary on the job. And I never remember my end date. Who remembers that? I'm detail-oriented, but I'm not THAT obsessive. I know what month, generally, I started and ended a job. And honestly, I never remember what I'm paid at those jobs. Are you serious? What I was paid at those jobs is not going to matter one iota (sp?) to the nurse managers looking at my past employment history.
And WHERE do I get to put in my REAL nursing experience? Sure I wasn't paid or employed but I know I should get credit and brag about the 500+ hours of clinical experience that I've done.
So now I'm thinking I might go study for my Maternity test in order to put-off working on the online application. Pathetic, I know.
What started this, was this morning we had alumni from our nursing program come back and answer questions from our graduating class. One nurse works on the med-surg unit where I had clinical last fall (seems like forever ago). We connected a bit and talked about the environment on that unit amid other things. And then my sweet, sweet instructor (who organized the Alumni Q&A for our class and who also was my psych clinical instructor), said "You guys would be an amazing pair! You'd work great together and make a real difference on that unit" based on some of the discussions we were having. Yes, those are the kinds of words you want to hear from an instructor! And definitely in front of someone who could potentially put my application in front of her nurse manager! So... I was inspired to finally work on my job application.
So getting into the nursing program was very competitive. Surviving the nursing program was an act of my will - every day. And now graduating and LEAVING the nursing program to find a job - it shouldn't be so, er, annoying. Okay, it's FRIDAY, I'm tired and I'm just being a baby. Sure could use a personal online application coach. lol.
Hopefully there are some completed applications in my future. Well, yeh, and a JOB too! :D
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
This studying business is getting harder and harder. Our last Pediatric test is on Friday afternoon and I've only reviewed half the material so far (and that was yesterday). Today was a wash. I had training this morning for my next standardized patient cases (starts up next week) and then came home and procrastinated long enough that I got sleepy. Took a good nap. Then my sister called and we got caught up on happenings. And I honestly don't know what I've done for the last two hours, certainly did not study. And Survivor comes on in a few minutes. Think I will TRY to study while watching Survivor (yeah, right) and then I'll force myself to finish third study guide before I head for bed. And tomorrow I'm working all day. Hopefully I can get some studying done. Ack. Tomorrow night is going to be miserable.
On Friday morning we meet for our second and final in-class meeting for our "nursing dimensions" class (it's basically been an online course). There will be five alumni from our nursing program who will be there to answer our questions. I think it will be interesting and helpful.
After that, I've got my Maternity/OB clinical evaluation with my clinical instructor. No stress there. And THEN the Peds test.
And then it all happens again next week for our Maternity/OB test. But next week I'm also adding three 5-hour standardized patient sessions to my schedule. Possibly not the smartest idea...but it will cover that $390 I just spent on licensure/board fees. :D
I can't even begin to think about studying for finals on May 3 and 4. Plus all the work I need to do on the upcoming Q&A sessions.
On Friday morning we meet for our second and final in-class meeting for our "nursing dimensions" class (it's basically been an online course). There will be five alumni from our nursing program who will be there to answer our questions. I think it will be interesting and helpful.
After that, I've got my Maternity/OB clinical evaluation with my clinical instructor. No stress there. And THEN the Peds test.
And then it all happens again next week for our Maternity/OB test. But next week I'm also adding three 5-hour standardized patient sessions to my schedule. Possibly not the smartest idea...but it will cover that $390 I just spent on licensure/board fees. :D
I can't even begin to think about studying for finals on May 3 and 4. Plus all the work I need to do on the upcoming Q&A sessions.
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
$390 Investment
Just forked out $190 for application to be licensed as an RN in the state of Virginia. Then forked another $200 to Pearson Vue to register to take the NCLEX exam (nursing boards). But hey, what's $390 when it holds the key to an RN job????
I can't apply for an NCLEX testing date until after my school sends an official transcript declaring my degree in nursing to the Virginia Board of Nursing (Va BON). I've heard that the time from graduation until paperwork is dealt with at the VA BON is about 30 days. Then once I've been deemed as a valid candidate, I'll get more information as to signing up for specific testing date.
I'll be taking an intensive prep/review course through Kaplan prior to taking the NCLEX...but since I don't know when I'm taking the NCLEX, it's a little hard to be strategic about when sign up for the review course. And lucky for us...they no longer offer Kaplan courses in our town! So now it looks like I'll be heading to DC (where my sister lives) or to Richmond.
**For those of you lurking here because you are in nursing school or applying to nursing school, this NCLEX book has been an awesome addition to my study materials DURING nursing school. A great investment. Not only are there loads of NCLEX practice questions...but the book provides a comprehensive subject review for each body system (skin, cardiovascular, respiratory) and other related content (pediatrics, maternity, psych). For each body system chapter, there's loads of great content including assessments, signs/symptoms, diagnostics, disease processes, medications and treatment info...pretty much the same content you are getting in your lecture courses in nursing school...but in a more condensed, no nonsense fashion. Then at end of each chapter there are NCLEX questions for that section--which is a nice way to test content knowledge in preparation for tests. I've known some students who have skipped their textbooks entirely and studied directly for lecture tests from a similar NCLEX prep book. I do not recommend this... but rather highly suggest it as a good supplement for test prep. FYI- the pictured version is what I have, but I know there's a more recent edition on the shelves (green book, I think).
I can't apply for an NCLEX testing date until after my school sends an official transcript declaring my degree in nursing to the Virginia Board of Nursing (Va BON). I've heard that the time from graduation until paperwork is dealt with at the VA BON is about 30 days. Then once I've been deemed as a valid candidate, I'll get more information as to signing up for specific testing date.
I'll be taking an intensive prep/review course through Kaplan prior to taking the NCLEX...but since I don't know when I'm taking the NCLEX, it's a little hard to be strategic about when sign up for the review course. And lucky for us...they no longer offer Kaplan courses in our town! So now it looks like I'll be heading to DC (where my sister lives) or to Richmond.
**For those of you lurking here because you are in nursing school or applying to nursing school, this NCLEX book has been an awesome addition to my study materials DURING nursing school. A great investment. Not only are there loads of NCLEX practice questions...but the book provides a comprehensive subject review for each body system (skin, cardiovascular, respiratory) and other related content (pediatrics, maternity, psych). For each body system chapter, there's loads of great content including assessments, signs/symptoms, diagnostics, disease processes, medications and treatment info...pretty much the same content you are getting in your lecture courses in nursing school...but in a more condensed, no nonsense fashion. Then at end of each chapter there are NCLEX questions for that section--which is a nice way to test content knowledge in preparation for tests. I've known some students who have skipped their textbooks entirely and studied directly for lecture tests from a similar NCLEX prep book. I do not recommend this... but rather highly suggest it as a good supplement for test prep. FYI- the pictured version is what I have, but I know there's a more recent edition on the shelves (green book, I think).
Monday, April 16, 2012
It's been two years...
Best wishes to the incoming class of new nursing students! This afternoon they will find out!
Here's a little look back at that big day for me almost two years ago:
And then a few weeks later, I got even more amazing news:
I am so thankful for the Lord's sustaining grace these past two years. It's been a test of the will, mixed with many great moments that kept me motivated and focused. The end is almost here!
Here's a little look back at that big day for me almost two years ago:
And then a few weeks later, I got even more amazing news:
I am so thankful for the Lord's sustaining grace these past two years. It's been a test of the will, mixed with many great moments that kept me motivated and focused. The end is almost here!
Friday, April 13, 2012
So close...
Today was our last lecture day for Peds. Next week is our last Peds test and our last OB lecture (online). The week after we have our last OB test...and then finals the first week of May! Woot!
...and I just picked up invites for the pinning ceremony!
In addition to taking tests and finals, I'm also in the midst of planning Q&A events (3) that will be hosted by our student nurses association for the newly admitted nursing students (they all find out this coming Monday!). We chose the Monday/Tuesday before pinning/graduation as our classes and exams will all be done - but everyone will still be in town. So I'll be spending my middle-of-the-week birthday putting on two Q&A events. Not too sad about it--as I'll be surrounded by people and involved with something that makes me happy (even if they won't know it's my birthday) and I'll also be with family the following weekend for pinning! :D
I'm already wondering what summer is going to look like. The priority will certainly entail studying for and PASSING the NCLEX exam (this is the RN board exam for those of you not familiar). And it may entail applying for jobs--if I haven't secured one yet. I'm planning on a short trip to Ohio right after graduation to see my sister and her family. And until I have my license and job, I'll probably continue the part-time jobs that I have. Maybe even add a day or two if they need me. I'll need the income! I'm debating taking a statistics class that will be required for entry into a BSN/MSN program. I need to do some further investigation on where I want to complete my BSN and possibly what other classes I should be considering (Chem I & II???).
But I'm also now free to think about fun stuff... sewing projects and refinishing furniture, reconnecting with friends and planning outings like camping or trips to DC. And then there is also that marathon-before-forty goal I have (I'm turning 38 in a few weeks). Probably need to pick a race, read a marathon book or two and make a training schedule. I'm also looking forward to being more regular at the gym. I've kept going this semester, but my work and school schedules made it more challenging to get there more than 1-2 days/week.
But now that I look at the stuff I'm thinking about doing this summer... all of a sudden I'm realizing that I'm not going to be bored. I might be just as busy! eek.
Happy Friday everyone!
...and I just picked up invites for the pinning ceremony!
In addition to taking tests and finals, I'm also in the midst of planning Q&A events (3) that will be hosted by our student nurses association for the newly admitted nursing students (they all find out this coming Monday!). We chose the Monday/Tuesday before pinning/graduation as our classes and exams will all be done - but everyone will still be in town. So I'll be spending my middle-of-the-week birthday putting on two Q&A events. Not too sad about it--as I'll be surrounded by people and involved with something that makes me happy (even if they won't know it's my birthday) and I'll also be with family the following weekend for pinning! :D
I'm already wondering what summer is going to look like. The priority will certainly entail studying for and PASSING the NCLEX exam (this is the RN board exam for those of you not familiar). And it may entail applying for jobs--if I haven't secured one yet. I'm planning on a short trip to Ohio right after graduation to see my sister and her family. And until I have my license and job, I'll probably continue the part-time jobs that I have. Maybe even add a day or two if they need me. I'll need the income! I'm debating taking a statistics class that will be required for entry into a BSN/MSN program. I need to do some further investigation on where I want to complete my BSN and possibly what other classes I should be considering (Chem I & II???).
But I'm also now free to think about fun stuff... sewing projects and refinishing furniture, reconnecting with friends and planning outings like camping or trips to DC. And then there is also that marathon-before-forty goal I have (I'm turning 38 in a few weeks). Probably need to pick a race, read a marathon book or two and make a training schedule. I'm also looking forward to being more regular at the gym. I've kept going this semester, but my work and school schedules made it more challenging to get there more than 1-2 days/week.
But now that I look at the stuff I'm thinking about doing this summer... all of a sudden I'm realizing that I'm not going to be bored. I might be just as busy! eek.
Happy Friday everyone!
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Two Words.
I'm not ashamed to admit I like Celine Dion and Barbara Streisand music. And I really love this song, one so relevant these days. Tell him! Tell him! Tell him! My battle song, hahahahaha!
Just heard this Justin Hines song on the radio this afternoon.
Just heard this Justin Hines song on the radio this afternoon.
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Unbelievable. I just completed my last clinical prep of nursing school! It totally didn't register until I finished it. While we still have one more clinical day next week, we will show up and do our prep on-site! So no clinical prep day next week! Woot! No more clinical prep days ever! (or at least this go-around with school!). My eyes got a little misty thinking about it! I mean, I've worked my tail off for the past five semesters and the end always seemed so far off and distant. But today marks the beginning of the end of my nursing school career!
And to top it off, I finished my Peds care plan in record time! Last week my clinical instructor decided to change things up a bit and introduced a new way of doing our care plan. I far prefer the care map method! Much less work, but same results! I'm sure some folks aren't thrilled with the change, but I LIKE it! And next week for our on-site prep, we'll also be doing care maps.
So needless to say, I am in a great mood! What I wouldn't give to just relax and enjoy a Redbox movie! But no, I gotta pull it together and take advantage of this gift of four to five extra hours (from finishing clinical prep early) and get some course reading done! This weekend is probably going to be quite the emotional roller coaster, so I need to get as much school stuff done for this week and next before the weekend. Thankfully no tests next week.
Only 37 days and 20 hours until pinning/graduation. But only 30 days and 22 hours until final exams are over!
The end is near. But I'm afraid that when it does arrive, I won't know what to do with myself!
And to top it off, I finished my Peds care plan in record time! Last week my clinical instructor decided to change things up a bit and introduced a new way of doing our care plan. I far prefer the care map method! Much less work, but same results! I'm sure some folks aren't thrilled with the change, but I LIKE it! And next week for our on-site prep, we'll also be doing care maps.
So needless to say, I am in a great mood! What I wouldn't give to just relax and enjoy a Redbox movie! But no, I gotta pull it together and take advantage of this gift of four to five extra hours (from finishing clinical prep early) and get some course reading done! This weekend is probably going to be quite the emotional roller coaster, so I need to get as much school stuff done for this week and next before the weekend. Thankfully no tests next week.
Only 37 days and 20 hours until pinning/graduation. But only 30 days and 22 hours until final exams are over!
The end is near. But I'm afraid that when it does arrive, I won't know what to do with myself!
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