Monday, April 19, 2010


YAY! Was notified this evening that I've been accepted into the nursing program for fall 2010! I'm so excited! We will receive our admissions packet in the mail this week and we'll have to either accept/decline the offer within two weeks so that they can start bumping people from the wait list.

It was hard to hear from my microbiology lab partner that she was wait-listed. I was so hoping she'd be accepted right away so that there would be a familiar face in my first nursing class. Hopefully she'll get bumped and be able to join me.

What's next? Notification to the church (my employer) of my expected departure later this summer. And I'm hoping to start official nursing classes THIS summer (end of May) with a ten-week class and two five-week classes--all while still working "full-time". Although now the pressure is on to maintain GPA (so that I don't get kicked out of program!). I may drop hours back at work, although not sure yet. Seems like a good idea. Fewer hours now might provide for longer transition later with my replacement. But will have to find time to prepare for a turn-over (documentation, etc). Will be a busy and interesting summer for sure.

Maybe in a few weeks I'll post my "Why I want to be a nurse" paragraph.

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