I just finished the Endocrine chapter. Scored an A on the exam--when I really though I was going to do poorly (like low B or C). But somehow I studied all the right things.
My mom did a smart thing about two weeks ago when I was complaining about all the hormones that I had to memorize (plus their site production, target organs and functions) and she said "yeh, just wait until you take pharmacology and learn the drugs!" It was a stunning moment for me. Duh, everything I'm studying (and hopefully learning) is useful information. I just wish that throughout this class that I'd be given a glimpse of how REALLY learning this material will help me in my future classes and in my actual work. That's the hard part. I don't really fully understand all that a nurse does in the course of her shift (and even her career), so sometimes it's hard to push myself to learn. I can put something into short-term memory pretty easily...but I'm probably going to regret not actually LEARNING it. But reality is this is naturally a cram course--no one is going to remember everything that we've studied. We'd all flunk if we had to take a final exam that tested on ALL the material we covered all semester. Gives me heart palpitations just thinking of that possibility. yikes!
I took a two week medicine intensive course (MMI) before I went to Liberia. It was a totally fun course. Looking back I remember the strange fascination I had with all things medical and disease. I was so excited to learn how to give a shot and to insert an N-G tube and to suture. I need to go back and look at the diagnosis books again (I used them a lot when I was in Liberia). The strategy of the class was to teach us to diagnose disease based on symptoms and if lucky, results from more rudimentary lab work --that would be available in a developing country. You can read about the class in my May 2006 Archives of my "finding joy in liberia" blog. Specific posts about MMI start on May 14 (you have to scroll down and start from bottom of page).
That class helped satisfy some of my curiosities...but here I am pursuing nursing school. I get so excited just thinking and wondering what classes will be like...but also scared to. Wondering if I can hack it. Making an A's in my anatomy courses doesn't mean that I will do as well in nursing school. Just remembering to take it one day at a time helps. To realize that 22 year olds graduate with BSN's in nursing all the time--so I can do it too.
Next semester I might be forced to take an actual course in a classroom. I don't think Microbiology is available to take online... I really wish it was, but I think the lab portion is why not. Developmental Psych might be available online. Hope so. These online classes have been so good. I'm not sure how I can do both work and school if I have to go sit in a classroom. ugh. Well, I guess I'll have to learn if I don't have online options. mercy.
I need to post more often. But alas, my studies keep me pretty busy.