Tuesday, December 29, 2009

A is for Anatomy!

I'm pretty proud. I aced both of my Anatomy and Physiology courses. And online. I've heard that they tend to be tougher than classroom variety. I don't know about that, but reality is that the convenience of studying and taking quizzes and exams on MY schedule...that's why I'm sold on online courses. It would be terribly tough to be working full-time and trying to get to campus for lectures and labs and trying to find time to study on my own too.

Next up? Microbiology online (with lab on campus) and Developmental Psych online for Winter/Spring 2010 semester. Unfortunately these two courses won't count when I apply for PVCC Nursing program in February. But at least I'll be that much further along and might take another course in the summer if I can.

I don't know what I'll do if I don't get into PVCC's program for fall 2010. If I don't, it will b/c I didn't have grades for Microbiology and Dev Psych to help "weight" my application. I guess my A&P scores will just have to be the heavyweights for me. All my other sciences grades are A's and I do have good grades from college...so I imagine the only ones who can beat me out are the ones who have ALL their prereqs done by now. Oh well, I have a job at the church until I don't want it anymore--which is a great thing in this economy. But I simply can't work full-time and go to school full-time. It's not recommended anyways.

So Feb 15 is application deadline. I suppose I should plan to spend my remaining weeks of C'mas break (from school stuff) getting everything turned in...and then it's a waiting game until mid-April. I'm kinda ready for class to start up again. I keep wishing I could work ahead...and I suppose I could when I get my textbooks--I just don't have syllabus and assignments yet. So it's a guessing game. But I'm sure I could safely read first chapter of each and be well on my way.

Until next semester.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Last A&P Exam coming up!

Well I am in the final throws of my 2nd A&P course. I'm hoping to take the last exam this coming week. Reproductive System. oh joy. At least it's familiar.

I have to write a short "medical problem" forum before I take the exam. Basically choose a medical problem that relates to this semester's body systems and explain problem, symptoms and treatments using as much terminology as I can...but pretend I am explaining to a lesser knowledgeable student in my class. no big deal. I'm doing mine on Prolactinoma--a tumor of the pituitary gland causing problematic increase in the hormone prolactin.

After that forum and the exam, I just have to write about my Service Learning Project. Then I will be done done done with school stuff until mid-January when I will start microbiology and dev. psych. almost a whole month's break. nice.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Fun in the EP Lab

Today I had the fun of watching some ablation procedures at UVA's Electrophysiology Lab. The gal who took my job at the church (when I left for Liberia--and then who ended up turning it back over to me when she moved to Florida)--her mom let me shadow/observe on her shift today. My anatomy knowledge of the heart was challenged (in a good way). It was often hard to know what they were looking at b/c they were only dealing with 3-D images of a section of the heart. Plus I don't really know anything about reading radiology (yet).

This visit to the EP lab was fulfillment of part of my anatomy class. We have a Service Learning Project this semester which requires doing "volunteer" work in the field that we plan to go into. For me that's nursing and medical. My professor, after e-mailing her, agreed that observing was adequate--seeing as medical type environments really can't utilize untrained volunteers. So I spent four hours in/out of several procedures and also get to step into one actual "surgery". Got to wear scrubs and a lovely hair net (of sorts) and lead skirts/vests because there was live x-rays going on throughout the procedure. And for the one surgical (actual incision) procedure, I got to wear a mask! lol. You know...the little things. :)

I'm struggling to stay motivated to get the book work done for this class. I think that things got doubly hard when Daylight Savings Time ended and it's dark when I leave work. But I have limited time before things really hit the fan at work, so i need to get get this material covered and the last two tests taken. Can't wait...but yet I'm not motivated. ugh. In five weeks it will all be over. And hopefully I'll have an A to show for it.

I found my Microbiology and Dev. Psych classes in online form for next semester, so I'm very grateful. The Microbiology course has a lab that will require me to meet go on campus for 4 Saturdays and that's it. Now I just have to figure out why I can't make a payment online...kinda worries me as I don't want to be bumped out of the course. Note to self: call tomorrow.

Until later...

Friday, October 30, 2009

Halfway through Anatomy 2 (hey that rhymes)

Well I'm halfway through the 2nd semester of Anatomy and Physiology. Only have 2 more exams, a forum and a Service Learning Project. This semester, thankfully, has been far less intense than my first semester. I think it's the difference of time --16 weeks vs. 12 weeks.

I just finished the Endocrine chapter. Scored an A on the exam--when I really though I was going to do poorly (like low B or C). But somehow I studied all the right things.

My mom did a smart thing about two weeks ago when I was complaining about all the hormones that I had to memorize (plus their site production, target organs and functions) and she said "yeh, just wait until you take pharmacology and learn the drugs!" It was a stunning moment for me. Duh, everything I'm studying (and hopefully learning) is useful information. I just wish that throughout this class that I'd be given a glimpse of how REALLY learning this material will help me in my future classes and in my actual work. That's the hard part. I don't really fully understand all that a nurse does in the course of her shift (and even her career), so sometimes it's hard to push myself to learn. I can put something into short-term memory pretty easily...but I'm probably going to regret not actually LEARNING it. But reality is this is naturally a cram course--no one is going to remember everything that we've studied. We'd all flunk if we had to take a final exam that tested on ALL the material we covered all semester. Gives me heart palpitations just thinking of that possibility. yikes!

I took a two week medicine intensive course (MMI) before I went to Liberia. It was a totally fun course. Looking back I remember the strange fascination I had with all things medical and disease. I was so excited to learn how to give a shot and to insert an N-G tube and to suture. I need to go back and look at the diagnosis books again (I used them a lot when I was in Liberia). The strategy of the class was to teach us to diagnose disease based on symptoms and if lucky, results from more rudimentary lab work --that would be available in a developing country. You can read about the class in my May 2006 Archives of my "finding joy in liberia" blog. Specific posts about MMI start on May 14 (you have to scroll down and start from bottom of page).

That class helped satisfy some of my curiosities...but here I am pursuing nursing school. I get so excited just thinking and wondering what classes will be like...but also scared to. Wondering if I can hack it. Making an A's in my anatomy courses doesn't mean that I will do as well in nursing school. Just remembering to take it one day at a time helps. To realize that 22 year olds graduate with BSN's in nursing all the time--so I can do it too.

Next semester I might be forced to take an actual course in a classroom. I don't think Microbiology is available to take online... I really wish it was, but I think the lab portion is why not. Developmental Psych might be available online. Hope so. These online classes have been so good. I'm not sure how I can do both work and school if I have to go sit in a classroom. ugh. Well, I guess I'll have to learn if I don't have online options. mercy.

I need to post more often. But alas, my studies keep me pretty busy.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Anatomy: Round 2

Tomorrow Part 2 of Anatomy and Physiology starts. I finished Part 1 with an A--which I was very pleased with (of course).

Now I just have to get my head in the game for round two. Work at church is nuts right now and I've been grateful for these two weeks off from school. But with class officially starting tomorrow, and noticing gaps this morning at church...I'm feeling stretched, pressed and deflated and wondering if the next nine months are going to feel this way. ick.

Plus there's other personal stuff going on --good things that I have no control over (and that's a very good thing!) There are also things I grieve over too. Hopefully getting back into the calming rhythm of my study routine will help...at least to keep me from daydreaming and pining away for something that is "not yet"--- which I'm so apt to do.

This past week was exhausting mentally and emotionally--mostly cuz of work...and I think that will be par for the course for the next month or so.

Grace and Peace,

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Anatomy: Part One--almost finished!

Well after 12 weeks of anatomy consuming all my non-work hours, I am almost done. I take my final test (on the cardiovascular system) either on Thursday evening or on Monday. HOPEFULLY on Thursday--cuz I want my weekend! :)

I've been so glad that I took this class online. While it's a lot of work and requires self-discipline, it has really been rewarding. NVCC's course really provides you everything you need to be successful in this course. I've scored 100's on two of my tests, scored mostly As and 2 Bs on my exams and the extra credit quizzes have made is possible for me to maintain an A throughout the entire course. At this point I can forego the last class discussion (10 points) and score only a 40 on the test...and STILL pull an A in the course! It's kinda crazy, but I love it.

Another thing about the online format that works for me is that I can do the class work whenever I want (which basically works out to every evening after work and about 4-6 hours on my days off from work). It's been anywhere from 15-20 hours of study time per week for me. Sure I've slacked off and paid for it (with Bs on test), but at LEAST I did not have to waste time in a classroom taking notes...when I've learned everything from the books, workbooks, and CD (lab component). I am so grateful to my friend's mother-in-law who pointed me towards the NVCC online courses! So grateful.

Once I finish my last test/exam, I'll have a two week break and then will start Anatomy/Physiology #2 on August 24th for the fall semester. At least this fall, I'll have 16 weeks to complete everything--whereas the summer course was only 12 weeks. What's great is that for the fall online course, they give you 3 different completion options. 16 weeks, 12 weeks or 8 weeks. I know I can do the 12 weeks--so I will start there. But knowing I've got nursing school applications to work on this fall in October/November--I'll be very grateful for the extra four weeks.

I can't believe that I'll be applying for schools in just a few short months. I haven't a clue how to write a compelling application for UVA or VCU grad programs. I've never competed for anything this signficant in my life. Undergrad was no big deal, I didn't have amazing SAT scores or highschool grades--yet still got into my first choice. So this feels kinda scary; kinda desperate too. ugh. Guess I'll probably spend my small break talking to people and doing research on nursing school applications. fun stuff. lol.

Next spring I'll probably be taking microbiology and developmental psych. Not sure if I can do micro online or not. sigh. Then Statistics next summer. Hopefully grad programs aren't too fussy about classes I haven't taken yet.

Another thing that I've found really hard about going back to school is the limited social life. And if there was a guy who wanted to be in my life...it would be tough! holy cow. I think it could be done, but still very hard. I do have a guy friend who just finished nursing school this past May and he just got engaged...so I suppose hope is not lost. I just have to wonder what God is up to. I'm not getting any younger and dating just gets harder as one gets older. I have to trust that God has put me on this path at 35 for some reason that will bring good to me and glory to Him. So I walk the path with hope and expectation of God's goodness and provision. And hopefully a few surprises too.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

A & P Update

Well I've been into the thick of my Anatomy class now for a few weeks. I am really surprised--I mean REALLY surprised --that my brain can hold all this new info. Thankfully we take exams along the way --every week or every other week ---and we won't have a comprehensive exam at the end. So new info really only has to remain in my brain for 2 weeks at most.

Right now I think I must be in the toughest chapter. The Skeletal System. 206 bones. Thankfully man of those are in our hands and feet...but the crainial and facial bones are going to kill me I think. So it seems I'll be memorizing diagrams and visualizing bones until bones actually pop out of my eyes...and don't get me started on eye socket. yeeesh.

Aside from the death by head bones, I'm really enjoying this class. I was pretty nervous about taking an online course. And I was pretty nervous about taking anatomy & physiology. So it's been a real delight to discover I can still learn and take exams, For someone who LOVES going to webMD for every little ailment to see what might be wrong with her (right now it's my sacroilliac bones/muscles!)--this class is fun on sooo many levels. No cadaver (bummer) but we do have an interactive CD with pics of cadavers and you can peel off layers (skin, muscles, organs, tissues...down to the skeleton. Pretty cool. But there's no zoom which I think is stupid.

I scored a 100 % on my first exam and another A on my 2nd exam. It's really a HUGE relief to know that I still know how to study to get A's. I'm not sure I would've done as well if I had taken this course in college. The reality is that I work full-time and spend another 20+ hours a week studying for this ONE class. Talk about no social life and no clue about current events!

OH! and I quit my job and started a new job! But actually it's not really 'new' seeing as I'm back in the same position that I was working in at the church--BEFORE I left for Africa! LOL.

So the last few weeks have been a bit nutty. This past week was my first week back at the church--and the gal (who had the job for the past two years) walked me through everything again. I only "worked" 25 hours or so--so I could spend the remaining hours catching up (and getting ahead) on anatomy. Came at a perfect time for the Skeletal System!

But I'm extremely proud of my diligence to the matter at hand (anatomy!). I think as long as I stay focused and study hard, I feel I can definitely get a solid A in this class. Perhaps I should wait until after my next two exams (on skin and skeletal systems).

There are only 8 exams, so by the end of next week I hope to have completed Exams #3 and #4--which means I'll be halfway through. Whew. Although there's a chance I'll have to wait until the following week to take the exams b/c the proctor/testing center at PVCC is closed Friday-Sunday every week....so if I'm not ready by Wednesday night...then it has to wait until the following Monday. (But I'd still have to continue with the next chapters...)

Well, I'm off to a neighborhood picnic where I don't know a soul. A little social adventure. I expect there to be lots of folks my parents age and dozens of families...but I'm hoping there might be a few other single people there. And perhaps I'll actually get to know the names of the folks I pass on the roads every morning while I'm walking and reviewing my A&P notecards.

Oh, but first I must find the mosquito spray!


Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Short Anatomy Videos

Searching YouTube for some Anatomy & Physiology help videos, I found MrFordsClass channel. He has a whole series that he's done for A/P and you can subscribe online to them for 5 months for a fee on his personal site: http://www.mrfordsclass.net/

His FREE online videos are available on YouTube here! I think they're good for using AFTER I've read the material in my text book. Nice review and helps explain things I didn't get the first time.

Here's one of his shorter videos on the BODY PLANES

Hope you find these helpful.

Anatomical Line Drawings

Found this awesome site with line drawings of most all the major systems and more! They have Labeled and unlabeled line drawings in PDF form!

Digestive (found under Gastrointestinal)
Dermatological (Integumentary) (mostly just exterior views of body)

Plus they've got focus areas of:
Ear Nose and Throat

You DO have to register (for free) to gain access.

Here's a little mnemonic that I found online for the 10 systems:

Sir: I'm nervous about reproducing with the rest. Uri must dig into the end.

The organ system names buried within the phrases are (in order): circulatory, immune, nervous, reproduction, respiratory, urinary, muscle, digestive, integumentary, and endocrine.

Update: They don't include the Skeletal system and use Immune system where I should be using "Lymphatic"... so here's what I'm using to remember the 11 systems.

LINC MURDERS (kinda like "linking murders"--get it?) You could also do it "Lincs Murder"...whichever way you want to remember it. But when it comes time to list the organs/parts in each system...don't forget you've got both male and female for reproductive!

L- Lymphatic
I - Integumentary
N- Nervous
C- Cardivascular/Circulatory

U- Urinary
R- Respiratory
D- Digestive
E- Endocrine

Have fun!

Saturday, May 16, 2009


Ah, here I am again...my 4th blog. The first was successful because I actually posted! But since I left Liberia one year ago today, that chapter in my life is over. I came home and started a running blog which was mostly unsuccessful, because I have a love-hate relationship with running. And I didn't get very far on my "Colander" blog since I just grew weary of finding things to post on.

But since I'm now on a new path officially starting Monday, I thought I'd again see if I could keep up with a blog. Actually this effort, in this 20 minutes, might be more of a means to procrastinate what I SHOULD be doing in preps for Monday.

You see, Monday I start my first class--Anatomy and Physiology I. It is required for a nursing degree. Yep. Uh-huh. I was wait listed for PVCC's 2009/2010 nursing class. #57 to be exact. But I wasn't really surprised. They ONLY look at what classes you've taken, how well you've done, etc... Their first priority is to students who have already their non-nursing courses that are required for the Associates Degree in Nursing. They simply don't want you to be bogged down with non-nursing courses WHILE you are taking the heavy-duty nursing courses.

The "co-requisites" for the nursing program at PVCC that I have not taken yet are: Anatomy/Physiology 1 & 2, Developmental Psychology & Microbiology. So my goal is over the next year to complete these courses.

Summer 09: Anatomy/Physiology 1
Fall 09: Anatomy/Physiology 2 and possibly Developmental Psychology
Spring 2010: Microbiology & Statistics

The other option I have is to pursue a graduate program in nursing (and the above classes would be considered PRE-requistes). I already have a BA in a non-nursing field and there are programs out there geared to students like myself who are interested in nursing and already have a bachelors degree in a non-nursing field. UVA has the Clinical Nurse Leader Program and VCU has what they call Accelerated BSN or MSN options. I've visited both UVA and VCU to find out requirements and to get tours of their schools. I liked both. UVA would be much more expensive, but I wouldn't have to leave Charlottesville. Each program is a bit different, but I'll likely apply for UVA, VCU and PVCC for fall 2010.

So the A/P 1 course I start on Monday...there is no classroom! I am taking it online! And it's REALLY going to challenge me. I've been out of college for 12.5 years and getting back into the grove of studying and taking tests--whew! And this is all on my own. No classroom accountability. I had hoped to take the A/P course at PVCC but it was full before I was even allowed to register! I was bummed. But at least this way I control my schedule and will save gas money too.

I'm working full-time and I've already made up a life-schedule that includes 2 hours of study in the evenings for the days I work and then 4 hours on my off-day and Sunday as my catch-up/flex time. The course instructor (online facilitator) suggested 20 hours. Eek. I'd like to devote that but WHERE will I find the time? Yes, I could easily add more hours to the days I don't work, but I really fear burn-out and that my lazy bone will start complaining in the midst of the inbalance and I'll be at risk for quitting, dropping out etc... So I still need to leave room for play.

My goal is to get 8 hours of sleep, to get 30 minutes of exercise 6 days a week, to eat healthy meals and to ACE the class. Ambitious!

So what the heck am I doing here adding one more thing to my list of to-do's? Well, I ultimately hope that one day I will be wearing scrubs and getting paid to do so! I really doubt I'll have much to say early on about nursing...but rather my struggles through these classes and the application phase. I pray the Lord will sustain me, help me to understand the material, will give me strength and courage to handle the rigors. I'm scared of failure. I'm scared of my lazy bone. I'm scared of the mental paralysis that can sometimes take over and keep me from doing what I need to do.

Lord, have mercy on me and give me strength.