Sunday, December 5, 2010

Semester Two: Almost Gone

Semester Two ends this coming Friday with the taking/passing of my final exam. Almost there. Almost. The Thanksgiving holidays definitely gave me a taste of winter break, so much so that I really did not want to come back for my tests and final exam, mostly b/c it's been SO hard to get re-motivated for the final two weeks. And it showed. I was very disappointed with my Test 3 results. I probably could have spent more time studying, but mainly I over-thought things and changed answers. If I had left them alone, I would've done much better! My score could improve if they end up throwing out a question or two that I got wrong. I can only hope.

Friday evening (after we took Test 3 that morning) we returned to campus for collaborative testing to help us get ready for our final exam next week. It was there that we saw preliminary results for Test 3 (and got to review all our tests). So I won't know Test 3 official results for a couple days I suspect. But now, there is no conceivable way for me to get an A in this course. I'm sooo bummed. But reality is...what's done is done.  Can't go back and change things...can only move forward (having learned a lesson---maybe?) Now it's time to focus on the final exam!

I think I've counted that I have about 28-35 hours this week that I can study for my exam on Friday. I work all day Monday and Tuesday (my seasonal job) and that really only permits about 3-4 hours of study those nights. I'm just hoping I can get/stay motivated to systematically work through the study schedule that I've worked out. I've basically divided up all the content onto different days, based on whether I think I'll need a little or a lot of time to review it.  Today I review/read again chapter on Fluid, Electrolytes and Acid-Base imbalances... I know I'll be needing to spend time all week on this, so I figured I'd start early and then take flash cards to work this week to use during my breaks and to review before bed. And now that I've taken this little break, it's time for me to get back to the books.

I really doubt that I'll be posting anything new this all my faithful readers (all three of you) can enjoy the break.


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