Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Semester Three: Coming Soon!

Hard to believe that semester three is right around the corner. Tomorrow is the last day of my seasonal job and then I'll have just over a week to relax and get ready for the semester. As of today, we STILL do not know our clinical assignments for next semester. Therefore we can't even register for our main class (lecture/clinical). A little frustrating, but at least we do know that all the students will have the same clinical days (Wednesdays/Fridays) with lecture on Monday morning.  I expect we'll be hearing from the organizing faculty next week, at the latest.

My Christmas and New Years were really nice as I got to spend time with my sisters and their families. And it's been nice to earn a few bucks and have access to a wonderful discount working for an electronics store (at their distribution center). Two to three days per week was what I opted for and that was perfect. The work has been tiring (walking and constantly moving ALL day long--just like nursing!) and there were a number of days when I wished that I had someone at home to give me neck and feet massages. It's been good though. I really enjoyed the other seasonal workers. The managers liked me and asked me if I would be interested in staying on. But with school, there's just no way. My time is simply worth more than the little bit of money. But since they liked me, I'm going to ask that they put me on their call-back list for next year's seasonal help. (Makes me wonder what kind of work I can find to do this summer since I have no classes.)

The next week and a half, I will focus on resting and getting ready for next semester. I have a list of things that would be nice to do before the semester starts. Including purchasing text books, dropping donations to Goodwill, changing my windshield wipers, washing my inside/outside of my car (hoping for some unseasonably warm days), dealing with neglected outdoor plants, lunches with friends, set up my "life/study schedules" for next semester, and get started on my training schedule (running) and hopefully getting the sore muscles over and done with before classes start.

A bit nervous about how this next semester is going to go. Not full blown anxiety, but I'm certainly thinking about it. Two classes this semester instead of just one--and the 2nd class is pharmacology---which is just naturally tough b/c it's LOTS and LOTS of memorization. I'm going to do my best to stay plugged into my Bible Study group--as they naturally are a source of encouragement and potentially my only predictable social engagement from week to week (aside from church on Sundays). I'm undecided at this point, but I may decide to switch to worshiping at the early service just to give myself more time on Sunday afternoon to study. However, there is a friend who I'd like to get to know better, and that friend attends the later service--BUT unfortunately is an irregular attender, so it might not make sense to force it. BUT I really do like to sleep late. :D   hmm???

My next post I'd really like to do an update of my nursing school expenditures through end of last semester. Now that is definitely going to be a crowd pleaser. Just kidding. Just a little something for those who read this blog because they are considering nursing school.


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