Saturday, July 31, 2010

First Semester of Nursing School: check

This past week I finished up my Health Assessment course with an A on my final demo! yeah!  and then turned in my "take-home" Test 2 and the Final Exam for my Dosage Calc class. We left the class without a clue of our grades on Test 1, Quizzes 2-4 and 4 case studies. I know the Dimensional Analysis method, I know how to do the conversions...I'm pretty sure I did all the problems I will be very angry if I do not make an A in the class. The teacher "says" she less worried about correct answer, but more that we set the problems up correctly.  But all the students in the class turn to each other and say..."well our patients will want to make sure we got the right answer!"  Just very frustrating. I have the same instructor in the fall for 2 of the 3 parts of Nursing 108 (Nursing skills). This 5 week class was just so frustrating on many fronts...mostly just the communication aspects of the class! Well, I should be getting my grade next week sometime...but I've got to much else going on to be a worry-wort about the class/grade.

I'm in the final stretch at work. They've hired someone who I think will do a great job, it's just unfortunate that the overlap in insufficient to connect all the dots for him before I leave. He's brand new to the church and so everything will be brand new. But I just have to let it go...and trust that the Lord will provide and cover what I cannot. Once you've LEFT the job, usually it's not a big deal...but when you work at a church and still expect to worship is hard to let go. So I am taking a 2 month sabbatical from worshiping at Trinity and will enjoy the chance to visit some other area churches. This time off will allow the new guy to assume and establish his authority. Plus it will give me the time I need to separate myself from the job. Soon, Trinity will be where I will worship--not work --on Sundays. Unfortunately Sundays have not been very worshipful this past year as Sunday became a required work day. I'm too much of a detail freak...I notice every little thing and try to fix things before they are noticeable by others. It's the hardship of a being control freak that serves a population with leaders with high expectations...

Okay, back to detailing my car. I promised myself I would detail my car at 200K...but that was in May and I haven't had time until now.


1 comment:

  1. Woohoo on finishing a semester! Enjoy your sabbatical and let's get together some time!
