Friday, October 28, 2011

It's That Time of the Semester

Things are crazy busy and I think that's going to be the general theme until Thanksgiving (clinicals will end). Not sure I'll be writing much here due to needing to stick to priorities.

On the good side. I've remained sick-free despite a house guest who got strep while she was with me, AND last week the twins of my artist boss were home sick with the vomits. However, I did accidentally tear/rip off fingernail right at the top near cuticle. It's red and sore! Thank goodness my mom gave me some antibiotic ointment for it (that expired in 2008). Hopefully my finger won't fall off.

My second Nurse-Client Interaction is due this Monday (Psych clinical). HATE writing these up. Then Psych Test on Tuesday. And on Tuesday, I'll be prepping for not one, but two patients for Wednesday's clinical. Think it will be good to have two patients. Challenging for sure! But the paperwork might just kill me, if we have to do double paperwork. It already takes me 8-9 hours to prep for one patient (believe me, it's a ton of work), but how do you find another 8 hours and still get sleep? Bleh. Not looking forward to Tuesday.

And in other news... right now it's snowing about an hour from here. Tonight driving home from campus, I'm pretty sure that I saw flakes mixed in with the rain. Crazy early to be having snow! Wow. But I love the idea...even if we aren't getting any accumulations. I'm hoping for a lot of snow this winter, but only during my holiday break!!!


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