The semester is over. Actually it's been over (for me) since this past Tuesday at 11 am when I took my last final exam. I got a B in my Advanced Med-Surg course (disappointed) and got an A in my Pysch Nursing course. Going into my Med-Surg final, I had the opportunity to bump my course grade to an A by scoring an A on my final exam, but alas it did not happen. Studying for finals was so very difficult for a number of reasons, but I'm pretty sure that it was because I've been so tired, emotional spun and was just was not motivated to study. I'm just glad the semester is over and that I've got about six weeks to regroup and refocus.
Next semester is my last, so it will be an emotional battled again. I will have Pediatric Nursing and Obstetric Nursing (each four credits). Oh, and we'll have some sort of Nursing Dimensions course which is a hybrid course so it will not meet in the classroom every week. Thankfully the Dimensions course is only one credit hour and there are no tests/quizzes- only discussion board posts I think. Next semester is going to be a bit strange in that our Day cohort will be split between two different lecture days. Due to the limited clinical spaces for Peds and OB, they will be using our lecture days as clinical days. So half of the Day cohort will have lectures on Thursdays, the other half on Fridays. I suppose it's possible that someone could avoid having clinical assigned to them on Thursday and Friday and could choose to do their lecture classes on different days. But I'm thinking for simplicity's sake and saving gas/time, I will probably chose to do all my lectures on one day. Not ideal if we have tests/quizzes the same day/same week. We won't get our clinical assignments until early January--so I've got some time to think about it. I should drop an email to the lecture instructors and ask if they are coordinating testing/quiz days, so that we can avoid doubling up tests on one day. That would be rough. But nothing I can really do about it now... plus there's no sense stressing about it when I don't have enough info to know the reality.
So the day after my final exam I started my holiday job. I have no idea why I didn't wait another day to give myself a breather. Oh well. After my first day I was sooo tired. Walking around a concrete warehouse pushing a cart and collecting products for shipping is hard on the feet, knees, hips and lower back. Ha! Thank goodness they have the massage chair! Wonder if there are gift certificates for foot massages? haha!!! Heck maybe I should go for the whole shebang. Anyways, I'm working four days a week through early January. Last year my exams were earlier, so I was able to work almost a whole week more than I will get this year, but at least it's something I can put in the bank! Sadly, I think I may have to purchase another laptop before returning to classes in January. Not too happy about that. My laptop has been good to me. Bought it in 2006 as I was preparing to leave for Liberia. I honestly did not think it was going to survive Liberia (climate/theft), but it's lasted over five years and the average lifespan of a laptop is about two years (or so I've heard). I've been so happy with my Toshiba that I'm probably going to get another one. Definitely no Acers or HP's for me... I've seen too many Dell's with problems and I think Sony's are overrated. I guess now is the time to be shopping for one--with the holiday sales and "no interest" options out there. I hate to even start looking. I spent about three to four months researching and price-stalking the one I have currently. And to even think about getting it up and running by mid-January freaks me out a little. I think I'll also be buying an external hard-drive so that I'm not transferring everything over to the new laptop--just the pertinent files. I might also try to "clean" my current laptop and see if pulling off data and programs will help out the speed/lag problems I'm experiencing now. Guess my earnings from my part-time (artist) job will go towards buying the laptop. Sigh. I so need to finish school, pass boards and start a nursing job, so that I can start earning/saving money again. 145 days to graduation!
In other news...I saw him today. He and I were driving through same parking lot this morning. I was arriving, he was probably leaving the nearby gas station. He didn't see me. At the realization that was him (I'm parking my car), my knees and elbows went immediately weak and my heart started pounding and I just got this sick feeling in my stomach. If I had been talking to someone, I probably would have been incoherent for a few minutes. Shock. So completely unexpected that it turned me for a loop. Since he lives primarily in another city, it did not even cross my mind that I might bump into him in town. I think that set back any small progress I'd made in my heart. Sigh. Maybe I should sign up for online dating again-- at least while I'm on a school break--to help distract me. I'm definitely not optimistic about potentials. Oh, I really don't want to think about that either.
Well, it's time for me to get cracking on some soup making. The homeowners are coming in tonight for the holidays, so today is the best option for making a mess of the kitchen (as opposed to when they are here). I'll be making enough soup to last me until school starts (I hope)--at which point I'll have another big soup making day. :D
Merry Christmas and may the peace of the Lord be with you.
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