Sunday, November 27, 2011

Long Weekend


After a long holiday weekend, WHO wants to study? I mean, really?  I had every intention of studying over Thanksgiving Break for my tests this coming week. I even dragged my books and laptop to Ohio. I probably only managed 3 hours in the car on the way up. And even that wasn't that fruitful. I was just having too much fun with my family that I was not going to sequester myself away to study and miss out on all the fun. No way!  My parents and I pulled into their driveway yesterday afternoon (after 7 hour drive from Ohio) and I stayed to watched the second half of the Virginia Tech/UVA game (Go Hokies!). Afterwards I drove home, but was not in the mood to study, so  instead I popped in a 2 part Hallmark Movie. I watched the first part and then went to bed. I had big hopes of getting to the gym and to church this morning with school work all afternoon, but alas, I skipped the gym and did get to church where I bumped into friends and we went out to lunch. Then of course I needed to finish Part 2 of the movie. haha. So much for getting any studying done this weekend. So here I am AGAIN. Procrastinating. I guess tomorrow I'll spend the day cramming for the Psych test on Tuesday morning. Then I'll spend the rest of Tuesday and all day Wednesday cramming for the Med-Surg test on Thursday. The Med-Surg test might kick my butt-seeing as it covers topics of Renal Disorders, Burns and Shock and it felt like we RAN through the material in class...I sure hope I absorbed some of it.  But thankfully clinicals are over-so the time I'd normally be in clinical, I'll be spending that time studying for lecture tests.

On Thursday (Thankgiving morning) my sisters and I went for a 5 mile run together. My mom and one of my brother-in-laws came along too-- but they did their own thing while the sisters ran together. I have not run in ages, but I was able to keep up--which was a nice surprise! But boy, did I wake up sore the next morning! Today is the first day I haven't groaned going down stairs. So I guess despite regular elliptical and cycle use at the gym, my running muscles have been neglected. So I'm thinking I will be adding running back into my gym work-out. Maybe one day a week. However, once I graduate in May, I'll be starting back to running more regularly and will be making a plan for my first marathon (goal is before I turn 40). Even though my leg muscles are much happier today, my lower back is a bit unhappy. Not sure if it was the running OR if it was because I was sleeping on an air mattress while in Ohio. Hopefully it will calm back down once I get back to the gym.

Oh, I almost forgot. Remember the contest at the gym? 8 pounds in 8 weeks? Well, I did it! Yay! So I'll be getting my $20 back and hopefully more $$. I ate VERY well over Thanksgiving weekend - so I'm sure I gained back a few pounds. Haha! But back to the gym this week.

1 comment:

  1. Good job! UVa had a pretty cool thing for employees this year--get a biometric screening and do a health assessment and get $75. If you set some goals and meet them, there are additional bonuses. They also provided a lot of free exercise, nutrition, smoking cessation, etc classes and other resources. I thought that was a cool incentive to get people checking in on their health.
