Friday, January 13, 2012

Counting Down to the Start of My LAST SEMESTER!!!!

A week from now I will be heading to bed in anticipation of starting classes the next day. We've had a nice long semester break...but it's time to go back. One more time. One more semester.

Well, I got my wish. Woo hoo!  I will do my OB clinical at the community hospital (the nice NEW resort-ish hospital) that I wanted. And my Peds clinical will be at the local children's rehab hospital (part of the large teaching hospital). I'm REALLY looking forward to this semester. In order for me to get the community hospital that I wanted, I had to agree to do an evening clinical on Monday. Since there's no clinical prep for OB -- it was a no brainer!  My Peds clinical is on Wednesdays with clinical prep on Tuesday nights (Torture Tuesdays as I call them).

I did decide to pile my lecture days all on Friday which will allow me to have a full day to study for tests, rather than having tests the day after a clinical day (like last semester). Two of my three classes have a hybrid component. Not sure yet what that will look like, but I'm excited! I'm anxious to get our course calendars to find out when quizzes, assignments and tests will be-- as having two tests on the same day will bite big time! Hopefully they've worked that detail out in advance. If not--Grrr! :D

This past week I've started a new part-time job being a home-aide for a man in his mid-80's. Very nice couple. Recently he developed some new hip pain that has caused him to use a walker and his wife is a bit nervous about him falling etc.. So I basically just following him around the house when he moves around and help him out as needed. Pretty low key and very good money for what I do. Looks like I'll be spending 8 hours on Thursdays with him. (I'm working three days this week, two days next and then hopefully switch to one day a week after that). The great thing about this job is that I can totally work on school stuff while I'm there! If I don't take anything with me... I would be utterly bored. They've given me wireless access-- so I'm good to go! :D   At this point I'm also planning to keep my other 4 hour a week job with the local artist. I'm hopeful that I can work for her on Monday mornings before I go in for my clinical at 2:30pm. Thankfully no parking issues or bus rides to deal with, so considerably less travel time required -- but then again, it is on a completely different side of town.

I'm still trying to figure out my "life schedule" for this semester (studying, work, gym time, errands, etc...). Three classes, two clinicals, job search, two part-time jobs, and possibly joining a committee or two within the nursing school!  Oh mercy, I just completely overwhelmed myself! Breathe.

The main project on my shoulders right now, before school starts, is to get my computer back to better functioning. For the past six months it's been getting slower and slower. Well, for being almost six years old, it's done a good job so far. No serious problems to speak of. So while I hoped that just removing data/files from it (memory storage was 95% full) would solve the slowness...I think I'm going to have to take more drastic measures and completely reinstall Windows and set it back to the way it was when I bought it. I've been reading/researching how to prep for it (exporting this and that), and I'm about 85% done with the prep work. My goal is to get the install and reloading of software/data done this weekend...and then early next week I can spend time getting it set up the way I like (colors, backgrounds, font preferences, etc...). My goal is to keep my computer functioning (and keep me SANE) for this last semester. About two or three weeks ago, I started researching computers and then considered that I could probably make my computer usable again for very little money ($100 external hard drive) and a lot of time...  But this way, rather than spending $900-1000 on the computer that I want, I'll have money later for any car repairs that crop up (15 years old, 222K)--which is a priority too. If I got desperate for a computer, I do have a good desktop computer (which I only used for about year) sitting in the closet at my parent's house. Right now... it's all about saving money and playing it smart. God has abundantly provided by sending me lots of work for me over the holidays (3 weeks at distribution center, several standardized (mock) patient gigs, and now this new part-time job)! This week I'm working 38 hours doing three part-time jobs! It's crazy, but all of them are good paying jobs! Lord willing, there's a wonderful nursing job waiting for me six-seven months from now.

Well, it's late and I'm working tomorrow... so to bed I go. But I'm so glad I still have one week before classes start! :D Still so much to do!


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