Sunday, April 4, 2010

What a Week!

This past week was a tough one, probably the toughest in a very long time. Primarily stems from the fact that it was Holy Week and with my job as assistant for worship ministry... the majority of planning & logistics is on my lap (plus we have serious crowding issues that we were trying to alleviate). It's not that we wait until the last minute to do the work--because actually I've been working preparations since January! But it's all the stuff you can't really do ahead of time--because you are waiting on other people--so that ends up consuming the majority of my time during Holy making sure everyone (staff, officers volunteers) are on the same page. I can't even estimate the number of emails I have sent out about Easter. Probably 20x as many as for a normal Sunday service! But things went great this morning and the hard work paid off.

BUT the hardest element of the week was managing school work within the crazyness of Holy Week. I'm not sure WHY exactly, but the school scheduled our last day of laboratory to fall on the Saturday before Easter! It's a holiday weekend and many people travel--so not sure why they did that. Worse though is that because it was our last lab class of the semester, we had 3 assignments to do, one of which was worth 20% of our grade! Plus still had to do the reading for the day's lab experiments.

So basically 4 assignments due for lab on Saturday...a weekly lecture unit deadline due Sunday evening (tonight) PLUS a micro lecture exam hanging over my head (due tomorrow) all week. I had planned to take lecture exam last weekend, but it was not posted when it should have been and then Monday came and I realized I wasn't ready for exam and that the Lab Report deadline was my priority--since my lecture exam isn't due until tomorrow ( a week later).

So with work crunches and school scrunches I had to find extra time in the day. So I somehow managed to get up and get to work by 7am each morning--which afforded me luxury of leaving work early to go home and work on school stuff for 6 hours. Well, I planned to get to bed by 10pm each night, but that didn't I was getting about 4-5 hours of sleep each night last week. The Lord has certainly sustained me and given me the energy and health needed to get through the week. I still need to take the exam tomorrow and then I will have a bit of breathing room. Yay!

Two great things: learned at Lab yesterday that I scored a 98% on my first lab exam. After taking exam I just wasn't sure how I did--so this was great news! Then today, the attendance for worship services worked out great--we were worried that we'd have to tell people that the middle service was full and to come back for the last service. I had been praying for "supernatural distribution of people" and that is certainly what happened. God certainly blessed us and our preparation work. So very thankful.

Should know something within the next two weeks about nursing school.

1 comment:

  1. Your diligence and devotion to work and schooling is so impressive!
