Friday, October 1, 2010

First Fundamentals Test

It's been a crazy week and it was a huge relief to be handed our exam and told "you've got one hour". There were certainly some questions on the test to make me think. A handful of questions that I was left picking between two possible answers...making the best guess and hoping I was right.

Yesterday I camped out in the library after my lab skills class (4ish) until library closed at 9:30. I had spent so much time focused on Fluids/Electrolytes this past week (and getting all the other reading and assignments done) that yesterday afternoon was my first thorough review of all the previous chapters and lab skills theory content. But when I got in to my notes and objectives to review, it was like "hey, I know this stuff!"  Which is a pretty good feeling. So for those 5 hours I went over every Study Guide's objectives and did the NCLEX questions at the end of each chapter...then reviewed lab skills readings/notes. I spent a little time on Fluids/Electrolytes before leaving the library, and knew I needed to spend some more time on it when I got home. But leaving the library and walking through the parking lot at 9:30 at night, my optimism grew and the stress just rolled away. It was such a wonderful feeling...confidence mixed with relief. 

I had the same feeling after taking the test this morning. Confidence and relief. Confidence that I did alright and while I know there are some possible wrong answers and I may not score an A... I felt like I did well. I studied hard and feel like I have a good grasp of the material. It's not all about the grade--there is something to be said for learning from mistakes!  Sure there's a scholarship on the line for me...and always the risk of not passing the class (and being dropped from the program), but I don't feel that's an issue right the stress is gone (for now). There were certainly folks who were even more stressed after taking the test. Reality is that I can't do anything about it, what's done is done and I will have to wait like everyone else for the results next week. And it is possible that they may end up dropping a question or two--if they find majority missed it and it was poorly written question...

So things will calm down (only a tiny bit) for a week or so...before lab skills test. But now that we've experienced a lab skills test and now a lecture test...the mystery is gone and that takes some of the stress off. 

The big challenge for me, I think, is MAINTAINING the knowledge about Fluid and Electrolytes and connected chemical processes. We'll be tested on it again at the end of semester for the final comprehensive exam...and then again throughout the rest of my nursing school career. So I need a strategy for reviewing it and letting it sink further and further into my brain for long-term retention. It's like I need to be tested on it EVERY WEEK to keep me on my toes.

This is also challenging my brain about the A&P I learned over a year ago. How easily we forget...BUT how easily it comes back with a little effort. :D

Well, off to enjoy my weekend.

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