Monday, October 4, 2010

Room to Improve

Our first test grades were posted today. If I calculate right, I missed 6 I got a B (88). I had hoped for better, but I knew there were some that I likely got wrong.  I wish there had been more questions so that each question wasn't worth so much. That fact I didn't earn an A doesn't have me shook up. Live and learn, what's done is done. Fact is that I'm not sure if I could have studied any harder or any better and improved my results any. I DO think that if I'd had 15-20 more minutes to take it, that I would have been able to review my exam and fix dumb errors (from rushing). We only had one hour for 50 questions. I am curious to find out which questions I missed (and if these were ones the majority missed as well) and am ready to learn from my mistakes. Unfortunately, it's very possible that I made stupid errors that I will later kick myself on. But hey, like I said before, while I could get preoccupied, anxious about my grade, I really just want to learn. And sometimes we can learn best from our mistakes. Tests are all about finding out what we know/don't know (and whether we can follow instructions and understand the questions). I still have 3 more tests/exams for this class. The hard part of getting B first time around is that you have less of a cushion--in case a future test is worse. But I'm not going there...just gonna focus on the present and making my reading/studying time count.

No time to sit around though. We have our next theory test at the end of October and we've got five units worth of material to cover in 3.5 weeks. Giddy-up! Obviously, my current study methods/efforts for my weekly readings will be tweaked a bit. Not sure exactly how until I see my exam and what my trouble spots were.

An interesting side note...while I've always been the curious one with accidents, natural disasters etc... I'm finding now that I'm in nursing school, I have a new way to think about these things. A man from my church was BADLY injured in an accident---life threatening injuries. His arm was partially amputated several days after the accident because of infection that set in to open wounds. And there's still more infection and they are going to have to go in and do more surgery to try to clean out the rest of arm (debridement of the dead skin/tissue remaining) otherwise they might have to amputate more.  So now as a student nurse this has me thinking on a whole new level. Nursing Dx's, Interventions, etc... it's overwhelming to contemplate. The medical field has come a LONG way since Florence Nightingale and Doc Baker on Little House on the Prairie (one of my favorite TV shows as kid). In those days, this man would have died-from loss of blood, brain swelling/bleeding, lack of oxygen, infection, failing kidneys. He's still not out of the woods yet--they are likely working hard to prevent systemic infection. The great news is that it appears his pain response is still intact and he is able to respond to commands. It will be a LONG recovery road for him. Have mercy, Lord.

Update: Rumor has it there was only one A (or only one grade in the 90s--not sure??) for our first test. One of my friends in the program who I spent a fair amount of time with/talking to got that A...and the other woman we hang out with...also got a solid B too. So I am pleased that the three of us did really well--am grateful to have connected with other smart women!  So while I would've loved to have gotten an A...I'm still very happy with my B, as rumor is that many did not pass it. :(

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