Saturday, May 19, 2012

Pinning and Cutting

Hard to believe it's been over a week since my pinning/graduation! Below are a couple pics from pinning.

Pinning was a nice closure for these past two years. This picture of me wearing a nursing cap is actually me wearing my mom's 50 year old nursing cap. My school's program does not require the white uniforms and caps (and shoes and stockings), for which we were all grateful! (Yes, this still happens! A friend graduating from nursing school in NC was required to find a white nursing uniform, shoes, and purchase the schools white cap--even though it was only for their ceremony and not part of their school uniform!)  I love this pic with my mom standing side-by-side wearing our nursing pins. This past week she attended her 50th college reunion and met up with some of her cohort from nursing school. Interesting how that worked out. Me- JUST out of nursing school, Mom- celebrating 50 years OUT of nursing school!

I had several friends and family come to my pinning to celebrate with me. The biggest surprise was to have Mrs. Scott and her son-in-law Isaiah come (Mr. Scott was working). Their daughter and his wife, Jessica was a graduate of my same program a number of years ago, who suffered a brain injury following a tragic auto accident. They set up a scholarship in her memory. My first year of nursing school, I was awarded this very generous memorial scholarship. I have enjoyed getting to know them and have been out to their farm a couple times (including once with my mom) and have met other members of their family. I have tried to keep in touch and thought it very appropriate to invite them to my pinning. But I had no idea that they'd actually come! I loved having them there.

It's only been a week but I no longer look like this! I got my hair chopped off. My hair was getting so long that it was getting caught in my underarms (front and back). I've been so busy with school that I've not taken time to get my hair trimmed since last summer and so I decided that since it had gotten so long that I'd just let it keep growing until I could donate it to Locks of Love. I'm in Columbus, Ohio visiting my sister and her family and the topic of my hair and donating it came up. She said that the salon she goes to will accept donations of eight inches. I was thinking I had to wait until I had ten inches. I got so excited that we called and set up and appointment the next day. To get the full eight inches, she basically had to chop it off at the nape of my neck...not leaving me much left. It's chin length in the front and a little shorter in the back. I'm not sure if it's the most flattering cut (for my face), so I'll be happier when it grows out, but here are some reasons I love my new cut:

  • Less shampoo/conditioner!
  • Less time spent hair-drying!
  • No more hot rollers!
  • Less time with curling iron--if needed at all!
  • No more ponytails!
  • MUCH cooler for summer!
  • I look a bit more grown-up (I'm regularly told I don't look my age).
  • And it's something NEW! something DIFFERENT!
Haha! My mom just walked by and said "I still can't get over your new haircut." Yes, it's been a LONG time since I've had hair this short.

I'm very much enjoying that I am done with school. Although I'm sad now to not have a reason to interact with my nursing instructors. I have really grown to appreciate them and all their efforts on our part. I know we were a challenging cohort, to say the least, but they still worked hard for us. I am definitely planning to stay in touch, which should be relatively easy to do because I will remain local.

I've spent the past week working on my application to my preferred local hospital. I'll be interviewing with them sometime in the next few weeks. I really hope it goes well.

I've already starting working on my goal of doing 3,000 NCLEX questions. I've done a little over 25%. If I get a job with the hospital of my choice, I will probably start work before I take my NCLEX exam. I didn't anticipate this when I set up my preliminary study plan of spending all of June studying, but it will work out. I'll spend the next few weeks doing some NCLEX study and also will be participating in my Kaplan Review course the last week of May. I'd love it if I completed my 3,000 questions before starting work (that is, if they offer me a job). 

Well, off to eat dinner with the family. We are having my favorite pizza tonight, Donatos. YUM! They don't have it Virginia. =(

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