Thursday, May 24, 2012

Ready, but not Ready to Schedule

I have received my Authorization To Test (ATT) -- which is the official document that I need to be able to schedule when I'm going to take the NCLEX. I've got until mid November to take this test.

My goal is to take the NCLEX in early July, however I have an interview in a little over a week, which, if I'm offered a job, may completely disrupt my plans to take it in July. Maybe not, but I'm not going to sign up to take it and then find out that I'm going to start work in late June and discover I haven't left myself with much time to study. So I'll wait. No big deal. It's just good to have the ATT in hand. If I don't get the job, I'll be sad, but then I really will be targeting early July as my goal.

I've completed 44% of my 3,000 NCLEX Questions goal- which is good.  Next week I've got my Kaplan prep course. I haven't decided yet if I will include questions from Kaplan in my count. This week I had planned to take the assessment test on the CD that accompanies the Saunders Comprehensive NCLEX-RN Review book, but time got away from me (and increased nagging scapula/shoulder/neck pain). I'm hoping I can get to it tomorrow afternoon.

Tomorrow morning I'm scheduled to donate platelets and RBC's at our local blood donation center. So excited! I haven't been able to donate for a year due to my travels to Haiti. It feels wonderful to be able to donate again! I am a little nervous that my hemoglobin will be too low, but seeing as I've waited a year to donate, I'm pretty sure that waiting another week won't kill me.

Now that school is over and my the balance in my bank account is dwindling, I'm super glad I've maintained these temp jobs. I've got a few days on the calendar with the artist over the coming two weeks. However, I'm really hoping my interview (scheduled for 6/4) will go well and I will be offered a job. I'm psyched to get started on my nursing career -- FINALLY!!!-- but the side benefit of a paycheck and regular income is a definite bonus and makes going back to a full-time job much more bearable. In nursing school I was working my tail off, but never got paid for it. How nice to think I'll be PAID to do what I love!

Next week I'll be busy with my Kaplan review course, but I'm hoping to do a few posts about that experience. BUT the big challenge between now and then is to hopefully get my internet working more consistently/reliably by then. I'm not sure if it's my wireless router or if it's the cable service. We've had a lot of rain the past couple weeks and I'm wondering if the underground cable has lost it's loving feeling (like it did last year). Worst case scenario is that I have to camp out in a free WIFI spot in town for SEVEN hours a day. But I really need a place that will be relatively quiet and low-traffic. Sigh.

Well, until next week...

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