Saturday, March 5, 2011

Side Benefits

I am giving up Facebook for Lent. I have other more personal reasons for choosing to give up Facebook, but the obvious is that Facebook is simply a huge consumer of time for those of us who are on it daily.

Of course, as a nursing student who doesn't have much of a social life (I do try), Facebook is my way to connect with the outside world--to know what is going on. It provides me with a good laugh now and then (Baby who laughs at tearing paper), keeps me in touch with pop culture news (Charlie Sheen crazyness), updates me with local news/weather (I get posts from local NBC affiliate), clues me into unique money saving offers (Chipotle's B1G1), informs me about the ups/downs of my friend's lives (engagements, marriages, new babies, travel, deaths, sick parents/kids, job changes/losses), and ultimately reminds me that there is more to life than nursing school. Sure I post about nursing school stuff, but reading my friend's statuses, posting my own news and essentially interacting on FB is like getting out of the house. Sad, I admit, but true.

HOWEVER...going on Facebook for just 10 minutes is unlikely--especially when you've got as many FB friends as I have. I have many friends from my 14 years in Michigan, 8 years in SC, & 14 years in Virginia. Add to that several dozen connections from my time in Liberia, a handful of FB friends gained through blind dates and then the unique and interesting category of friends of friends. I have absolutely loved being reacquainted with friends from my childhood, many of whom I have not seen in 20 years. Yes, I'll admit there are people I have blocked from my news feeds, but I totally expect that there are people who have blocked me (I do post a lot!). 

I know that the temptation to sneak on Facebook is going to be great, so I'll be taking the FB app off my iPod Touch and removing quick links from my computer, opting out of Facebook email alerts, etc...  And unlike most people who "fast" during Lent, I will not be breaking the fast on Sundays. It's going to be really challenging to unplug from FB for 46 days, so it's gotta be all or nothing. I am going to have to actually pursue my friends and be intentional about making plans--outside of the convenience of Facebook. Human contact is still okay--as is phone and email.

So what am I going to do with my extra time? Well my hope is that I'll spend that time thinking about and studying what the Bible says about Hope, Trust, Waiting, Patience, and Resting. Lent is a season of repentance and soul-searching...and my stubborn, impatient, untrusting heart has some repenting to do--especially in the area of dating/relationships/marriage. I'm also giving up listening to my favorite pop country music --as it feeds that desire/impatience (sorry Keith, Dierks, Lady A, RF). I'm even working on a new playlist that will be compatible with my hopes for this Lent season. Also no watching movies or reading books with romance themes, no journaling about He-Who-Has-My-Heart-But-Doesn't-Know-It*.  And I'm switching which worship service I attend during Lent...all intentional attempts to set aside the distractions that will make it hard for me to be earnest in this season of Lent. I will certainly need the Lord's help!

As a side benefit, I will hopefully be less distracted from my school work during these next 6.5 weeks! (It's just too easy to hop on FB for a "quick break" but still be on there 30 minutes later when I should be back to studying!) By the time Lent ends with the celebration of Resurrection Sunday, this semester will be almost over! At that point there will be less than three weeks left. No new material but only Tests & Final Exams to take. :)

Spring Break starts up next weekend (what am I going to do during Spring Break without Facebook?? haha!)  Spring Break basically marks the half-way point of the semester... ah! nice thought! :D

I'm not giving up blogging for Lent, so until next time,

*Name withheld for reasons that should be obvious. :D


  1. I hope that "He*" figures out how good he's got it.

  2. Rood, he's either clueless and/or not interested. Not sure.
