Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Clinical #2 Completed

Feels great to have clinical behind me and to now be able to focus on the theory (book work) for the remaining 3.5 weeks. I was looking at the work for Pharm this evening (not studying, just looking) and realized that our next test (end of this month) will cover 17 chapters and my Med-Surg lecture test will cover 16 chapters.  Fun Fun.

In clinical today, we quizzed our clinical instructor for what she could tell us about our fall classes and if she had any recommendations for us. We haven't even finished this semester and we are already fretting over next semester (in the fall). We'll have Advanced Med-Surg and Psych --both include a lecture and a clinical. Because of how time consuming clinical prep was THIS semester...we are wondering how we are going to manage to do two lectures, two clinical days and two prep days. There's also rumor that lectures and prep will be on the same days... It's really looking like my weekends will be consumed with readings for both classes. It really is HARD to come home after a long clinical day and find energy and willpower to do the assigned readings for lecture. I'm not sure how successful I will be, but now I'm wondering if maybe I should plan to do the majority of my readings this summer, take notes with the expectation that I'll only need to review my notes/readings when assigned in class. I'm wondering/hoping that I can talk a second-year student into sharing syllabus/course assignment information with me so that I can have an idea how to pace my readings. If I do get another scholarship for the 2011-2012 school year--they might let me go ahead and buy my books early (this summer), otherwise I'd have to buy them out of pocket and not be able to utilize scholarship for fall text books.

Yes, it's much too early to start stressing over fall semester or even planning to do readings during the summer (yuck!) It's the natural "planner" in me wanting to jump ahead (and a little control-freak mixed in).

What I DO think is a good idea, that a few of my peers are open to, is to plan to meet once a week during the summer and spend a few hours working through an NCLEX review book together. Not only will working together as a group help us stay accountable, but also each of us brings a different perspective or understanding to the material. If one of us is struggling to remember the information...we can work together to help create ways to remember/memorize. And very possibly, just talking through questions with them will help  increase retention of rationales.

I also have hopes to find and make two new recipes a week. I'll start first with basics that anyone should know how to cook (turkey, pot roast, etc.). Guess I may have to start inviting people over for dinner. Not sure if it's even realistic to think that I can pull it off--plus it might prove to be too expensive of a venture. I'm also really hoping to earn some money this summer. A part-time job would be all I would want I think--but not at all sure about the feasibility. Haiti is taking a chunk of my savings and now I'm wondering if I may end up having to get a new or refurbished transmission for my car (it's not happy at the moment). I have a handful of other things I'm considering, but really need to find time to sit down and think things through. Would be nice to have a "plan" for after I get back from Haiti--so that I don't just spin my wheels when I get back and waste the remainder of May.

Well, I'm sleepy and Survivor is I'm heading for bed. Plenty to do tomorrow that is for THIS semester. :D

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